Válvulas de retenção e controle

Alfa Laval control/check valves manage the flow of process liquids and gases through hygienic process systems. Easy to install, operate and maintain, these valves safeguard process integrity and product quality while preventing potential damage to pipelines and equipment or system shutdown due to reverse fluid flow, pressure surges, water hammer and air entrainment. Fully automated and fast-acting, these hygienic valves provide safe, reliable and cost-effective fluid and gas management.


Improve hygienic process efficiency with accurate flow control of process fluids and gases

  • Protect process systems against potential damage by eliminating vacuum conditions to equalize pressure in the system
  • Ensure plant safety and protect upstream equipment by preventing reverse flow and water hammer
  • Safely pressurize or release air from process pipelines and systems, preventing equipment damage whilst safeguarding product integrity and yield
  • Maintain stable CO2 pressure in process tanks or vessels by supplying gas and/or venting excess gas
  • Ensure product quality through hygienic, self-cleaning designs that promote valve cleanability and minimize the risk of contamination and cavitation

Protect your hygienic process systems by managing the flow of process fluids and gases – safely, reliably and cost-effectively. Whether preventing contamination from backflow or providing pressure relief, Alfa Laval valves boost productivity and uptime whilst ensuring safe, reliable operation and low cost of ownership. These valves provide reliable and efficient regulation of fluid and gas flows.


How does control/check valve work?

Alfa Laval control/check valves consist of many different valve types to fit specific applications and customer needs. The valves open when the pressure and flow of the process liquid or gas exceeds the pressure exerted on the valve plugs, free-moving polypropylene balls alternating between two seats, or stainless steel spring to fix it in position. To close the valve, higher pressure exerted on one side forces the valve mechanism to close, shutting off the flow of process liquid, air or gas.



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Close at hand catalogue about valves

At your fingertips: Alfa Laval hygienic valves to ensure the most efficient flow of fluids through your process lines. Our ‘Close at hand’ catalogue details everything you need to determine the optimal flow solution for your processes. What you get is no risk of cross-contamination, increased safety, more uptime and cost savings, and greater productivity.

Single seat valve closeup

Serviços para válvulas higiênicas

Para garantir tempo de atividade contínuo para seus processos higiênicos, prolongue a vida útil de suas válvulas higiênicas. Com a Alfa Laval como sua parceira de serviços, você tem acesso à nossa rede global de serviços e especialistas e suporte local quando necessário. Conte com nossa ampla gama de serviços para otimizar seus processos – a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar.

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Faça crescer o seu negócio. Otimize seus sistemas de manuseio de fluidos - de forma sustentável

Torne seus processos mais eficientes e sustentáveis, ao mesmo tempo em que alcança a conformidade regulatória e garante o sucesso de seus negócios. Com a Otimização Sustentável da Alfa Laval, você pode economizar até 80% em economia de energia, bem como 90% em economia de água e meios de limpeza, minimizando o desperdício. Bom para as pessoas. Bom para o planeta. Bom para rentabilidade.

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Dê vida à sua estratégia de sustentabilidade

Obtenha mais economia de energia e água e reduza as emissões de suas linhas de processamento higiênicas. Nosso boletim informativo mensal traz histórias sobre como a Alfa Laval pode apoiá-lo na melhoria do desempenho ambiental nas indústrias de laticínios, alimentos, bebidas, higiene pessoal e farmacêutica. O que é bom para as pessoas e para o planeta também é bom para o seu negócio.
