Válvulas de Segurança

Alfa Laval safety valves maintain optimal operating conditions in hygienic applications due to overpressure, vacuum or unacceptable fluid levels. Minimizing the risk of explosion and implosion by relieving excess pressure or liquid levels from pipelines, vessels or equipment protects hygienic processing systems across the dairy, food and beverage, and brewery industries. This translates into higher levels of safety, less downtime and higher yields.

阿法拉伐安全阀-Alfa Laval safety valve

Secure your personnel and ensure more uptime by safeguarding your hygienic processing plant

  • Prevent injury to personnel and damage to pipelines, process vessels and equipment from vacuum conditions or unacceptable pressure and fluid levels
  • Improve worker safety and protect against workplace accident or injury
  • Minimize risk of damage due to explosion, implosion or collapse
  • Ensure accuracy and reliability with set points established at the factory according to customer specifications
  • Secure economical, hygienic safety valves that are easy to install, operate and clean

Let Alfa Laval safety valves protect your personnel and hygienic processing plant against damage due to excess pressure and vacuum conditions. Maintaining proper pressure in pipelines, tanks and systems safely below the design limit or within a pre-set pressure range takes know-how.

Take advantage of Alfa Laval’s deep understanding of optimizing the reliability, performance and safety of both your processes and your workplace, despite the most challenging operating conditions. Protect your hygienic processing systems against the risk of damage due to:

  • vacuum conditions caused by cold rinsing after hot cleaning
  • caustic cleaning in CO2 atmosphere
  • temperature fluctuations
  • gas supply blockage during tank filling or emptying

Get superior process safety, outstanding performance, and uncompromising cleanliness from Alfa Laval safety valves.


How does a safety valve work?

Alfa Laval safety valves to relieve pressure or prevent vacuum conditions are delivered with the counterweights or spring set and locked at pre-set opening pressures or opening vacuums to suit either customer requirements or the tank design data. When the pressure or vacuum in the tank exceeds the pre-set opening value, the valve relieves the excess pressure or lets in atmospheric air.



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Close at hand catalogue about valves

At your fingertips: Alfa Laval hygienic valves to ensure the most efficient flow of fluids through your process lines. Our ‘Close at hand’ catalogue details everything you need to determine the optimal flow solution for your processes. What you get is no risk of cross-contamination, increased safety, more uptime and cost savings, and greater productivity.

Single seat valve closeup

Serviços para válvulas higiênicas

Para garantir tempo de atividade contínuo para seus processos higiênicos, prolongue a vida útil de suas válvulas higiênicas. Com a Alfa Laval como sua parceira de serviços, você tem acesso à nossa rede global de serviços e especialistas e suporte local quando necessário. Conte com nossa ampla gama de serviços para otimizar seus processos – a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar.

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Faça crescer o seu negócio. Otimize seus sistemas de manuseio de fluidos - de forma sustentável

Torne seus processos mais eficientes e sustentáveis, ao mesmo tempo em que alcança a conformidade regulatória e garante o sucesso de seus negócios. Com a Otimização Sustentável da Alfa Laval, você pode economizar até 80% em economia de energia, bem como 90% em economia de água e meios de limpeza, minimizando o desperdício. Bom para as pessoas. Bom para o planeta. Bom para rentabilidade.

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Dê vida à sua estratégia de sustentabilidade

Obtenha mais economia de energia e água e reduza as emissões de suas linhas de processamento higiênicas. Nosso boletim informativo mensal traz histórias sobre como a Alfa Laval pode apoiá-lo na melhoria do desempenho ambiental nas indústrias de laticínios, alimentos, bebidas, higiene pessoal e farmacêutica. O que é bom para as pessoas e para o planeta também é bom para o seu negócio.
