AromaVap evaporation system


Deixe a Alfa Laval personalizar um sistema de evaporação a placas para satisfazer suas necessidades exatas. Com economia de energia e especialmente projetados, esses sistemas melhoram a eficiência térmica, alcançam concentrações mais altas, aumentam o tempo de atividade e reduzem custos. Com uma longa tradição de otimização de trocadores de calor a placa, a Alfa Laval oferece acesso à experiência e aos vastos recursos de uma organização de engenharia e terceirização global experiente.

Evaporation optimized by the experts 

  • Achieve higher concentrations while saving energy and adding value to your business 
  • Cut energy costs and improve process sustainability by adding effects and/or vapour recompression equipment 
  • Cut energy costs and improve sustainability with thermal vapour recompression, mechanical vapour recompression, or waste heat recovery solutions
  • Lower installation costs with compact, space-saving installations 
  • Get zero or minimum liquid discharge by combining with other Alfa Laval technologies




Lower your cost of ownership while increasing sustainability with evaporation systems from Alfa Laval. Tailored to your requirements, these are easy to configure, install, operate and maintain.

Pack high heat transfer efficiency and energy savings into evaporation systems, that are lower in height and weight than conventional evaporators. Versatile, energy-efficient and economical, these evaporators generally fit into the available space in existing buildings yet maximize product quality while minimizing fouling and waste.

Choose from a broad portfolio, backed by a proven track record, vast experience in thermal solutions and separation technologies, and a global service network

Completely engineered and pre-assembled evaporation systems 


Food and beverage 

  •    Fruit juices and purées 
  •    Sugars, syrups (corn), honey         and confectioneries 
  •    Ethanol stillage 
  •    Meat and vegetable broths 
  •    Gelatine and collagen peptides 
  •    Fermentation products 
  •    Coffee and tea  
  •    Vegetable protein 
  •    Milk and whey protein 
  •    Non-dairy plant drinks (oat, nut, etc.) 
  •    Beer de-alcoholization
  •    Herbal extracts 

Starch and sweeteners

  •    Sugars (beet, cane, potato, etc.) 
  •    Glucose, dextrose, fructose, maltose 


  •    Gelatine 
  •    Stick water 
  •    Meat and fish broths  
  •    Insect protein slurries 
  •    Plant-based proteins  

Chemicals and wastewater 

  •    Caustic (NaOH, KOH, LiOH) 
  •    Zero liquid discharge 
  •    Inorganic salts 
  •    Biofuels

Life science/industrial fermentation 

  •    Fermentation broths 
  •    Lysine 
  •    Lactic acids 
  •    Citric acids 
  •    Amino acids 
  •    Yeast extract

Unmatched performance

Get the most economical evaporator for your process needs – right from the start. Take advantage of broad evaporation expertise from Alfa Laval. Get energy-saving, easy-to-maintain evaporation systems at a lower total cost of ownership than comparable shell-and-tube systems. 

Compact and flexible

Lower the total cost of ownership with Alfa Laval evaporators. Use less space. Save on installation, operating and maintenance costs. Retrofit additional evaporator capacity into existing buildings cost-effectively. Add more savings to your bottom line. 

Optimizing uptime

Alfa Laval offers dedicated service to optimize your evaporation system and ensure more uptime: 

  • Connected services provide remote support and assistance to achieve improved uptime, high yield and optimized maintenance frequency 
  • Spare parts for all key equipment readily available 
  • Service agreements for tailor-made support – from spare parts to troubleshooting and retrofits 

Pilot testing and rentals of evaporation systems

Try before you buy. Get expertise and advice from Alfa Laval engineers for the optimum configuration for your evaporation system, including:

  • Detailed water analysis and characterization  
  • Process and water chemistry modelling  
  • Benchmark and/or pilot testing for moderate- to high-risk applications  
  • Detailed material compatibility evaluation  
  • Sample analysis  
  • Pilot tests  

Visit the Alfa Laval Materials Technology & Chemistry Lab and Test Centre in Lund, Sweden, the Alfa Laval Innovation and Test Centre in Nakskov, Denmark, or rent one of our mobile pilot evaporation systems to conduct onsite trials at your plant. 



Serviços do sistema de alimentos

Os serviços de sistema de alimentos da Alfa Laval ajudam a ampliar o desempenho dos seus sistemas de alimentos, maximizando o desempenho dos seus processos. Isso permite que você:

  • Melhore continuamente suas operações para manter a vantagem competitiva
  • Concentre-se no tempo de atividade, na otimização e na disponibilidade
  • Maximize o retorno do investimento ao longo do ciclo de vida dos seus sistemas de alimentos

Saiba mais sobre nossa oferta de serviços
